Display - Allowing to display Analytical, Measured, and Simulated BRDFs
Fitting - Fit from any BRDF to an Analytical model
Rendering - Real time rendering with point light or environment map light sources
Point light rendering of measured data and analytical models in real time
Environment map rendering with any analytical BRDF model
Coming soon! - GPU Simulations - Next releases will include GPU Simulations, look at some of the new features
Some of the BRDFLab features:
- The ability to deal with Analytical, Measured, and Simulated BRDFs.
- Display the shape of any BRDF as a function of the incident direction.
- Fit from any BRDF to a combination of Analytical models.
- Point light rendering of complex objects directly with the measured data, or analytical models.
- Environment map rendering of complex objects with any Analytical BRDF model.
An overview of some capabilities of our system can be download here (New videos are coming soon):
BRDFLab version 0.5
Windows binaries. Requires a Nvidia 8000 Series or higher Graphics card.
If you have problems running the program, update the Graphics drivers to the last version, and if this does not
solve the problem, write me at afores AT .
The source code is available on the SourceForge SVN, check them out with:
The avaliable documentation at the moment is part of my Master Thesis:
- Adrià Forés, Sumanta N. Pattanaik, Carles Bosch and Xavier Pueyo. BRDFLab: A general system for designing BRDFs. CEIG 2009, Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica. San Sebastián, Spain, September 2009. [bibtex]
Adrià Forés Herranz - afores 'at'
Sumanta N. Pattanaik
Carles Bosch
Xavier Pueyo
The software is developed with encouragements and guidance from Prof. Holly Rushmeier. Partially supported by grant TIN2007-67120, MICINN.